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Niedriges Vintage Sideboard mit Konischen Beinen

250,00 €

inkl. 19% gesetzlicher MwSt.Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 7. September 2024 23:30

– Small low sideboard from the 1950s to 1960s- Sitting on compass feet- Formerly used with a weaving machine from the same time period- It consists of an opening with a hinged door on the front – With an opening on the top to access the interior of the cabinet- Light oak color and rounded handle- Original condition- Unscrewable feet

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250,00 €

inkl. 19% gesetzlicher MwSt.Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 7. September 2024 23:30

250,00 €

inkl. 19% gesetzlicher MwSt.Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 7. September 2024 23:30